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Papers within the last 9 years: 

Delecia Utley, Brianne Edwards, Asa Budnick, Erich Grotewold, Heike Sederoff. (2025) Camelina circRNA landscape: Implications for gene regulation and fatty acid metabolism. The Plant Genome. 2025;18:e20537. PMID: 39656561

Julieta Petrich, Clarisa Ester Alvarez, Lina Gómez Cano, Ronnie Dewberry, Erich Grotewold, Paula Casati, María Lorena Falcone Ferreyra. (2025) Functional characterization of a maize UDP-glucosyltransferase involved in the biosynthesis of flavonoid 7-O-glucosides and di-O-glucosides. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 221,(2025),109583. PMID: 39923422

Erika L Ellison, Peng Zhou, Yi-Hsuan Chu, Peter Hermanson, Lina Gomez-Cano, Zachary A Myers, Ankita Abnave, John Gray, Candice N Hirsch, Erich Grotewold, Nathan M Springer. (2024) Transcriptome profiling of maize transcription factor mutants to probe gene regulatory network predictions. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. Volume 15, Issue 1, January 2025, jkae274. PMID: 39566186

Yun Sun Lee, Edward L Braun, Erich Grotewold. (2024) Evolutionary trajectory of transcription factors and selection of targets for metabolic engineering. Philosophical Transactions B. 2024 Nov 18;379(1914):20230367. PMID: 39343015

Athanas Guzha, Barsanti Gautam, Damiano Marchiafava, Julius Ver Sagun, Tatiana Garcia, Brice A Jarvis, Allison M Barbaglia‐Hurlock, Christopher Johnston, Erich Grotewold, John C Sedbrook, Ana Paula Alonso, Kent D Chapman. (2024) Targeted modulation of pennycress lipid droplet proteins impacts droplet morphology and seed oil content. The Plant Journal. . PMID:

John Gray, Yi-Hsuan Chu, Ankita Abnave, Fabio Gomez Cano, Yun Sun Lee, Sarah Percival, Nan Jiang, Erich Grotewold. (2024) GRASSIUS 2.0: A gene regulatory information knowledgebase for maize and other grasses. Current Plant Biology. 40(2024):100396. PMID:

Jordan R Brock, Kevin A Bird, Adrian E Platts, Fabio Gomez-Cano, Suresh Kumar Gupta, Kyle Palos, Caylyn E Railey, Scott J Teresi, Yun Sun Lee, Maria Magallanes-Lundback, Emily G Pawlowski, Andrew DL Nelson, Erich Grotewold, Patrick P Edger. (2024) Exploring genetic diversity, population structure, and subgenome differences in the allopolyploid Camelina sativa: implications for future breeding and research studies. Horticulture Research. 2024 Sep 9;11(11):uhae2477. PMID:

Nan Jiang, Lina Gomez, Erich Grotewold. (2024) Extraction and Quantification of Total Anthocyanins, Determination of Anthocyanidin Core Structures, and Characterization of Specific Anthocyanins from Maize. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. . PMID: 39187303

Nan Jiang, and Erich Grotewold. (2024) Flavonoids and Derived Anthocyanin Pigments in Plants—Structure, Distribution, Function, and Methods for Quantification and Characterization. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. . PMID: 39187304

Lina Gomez, Nan Jiang, and Erich Grotewold. (2024) Extraction and Quantification of Phenolic Compounds in Maize. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. . PMID: 39187305

Yi-Hsuan Chu, Yun Sun Lee, Fabio Gomez-Cano, Lina Gomez-Cano, Peng Zhou, Andrea I Doseff, Nathan Springer, Erich Grotewold. (2024) Molecular mechanisms underlying gene regulatory variation of maize metabolic traits. The Plant Cell. 2024, 00, 1–20. PMID: 38922302

Ankita Abnave, Jerrin John, Erich Grotewold, Andrea I. Doseff, John Gray. (2024) Upper level and cross hierarchical regulation of predominantly expressed phenolic genes in maize. Current Plant Biology. Volume 39, September 2024, 100364. PMID:

Koichi Sugimoto, Niloufer G Irani, Erich Grotewold, Gregg A Howe. (2024) Catalytically impaired chalcone isomerase retains flavonoid biosynthetic capacity. Plant Physiology. 2024: 00: 1–5. PMID: 38386294

Sarika Marathe, Erich Grotewold, Marisa S Otegui. (2024) Should I stay or should I go? Trafficking of plant extra-nuclear transcription factors. The Plant Cell. 2023: 1–16. PMID: 38163635

Sheng Ying, Brandon Webster, Lina Gomez-Cano, Kiran-Kumar Shivaiah, Qianjie Wang, Linsey Newton, Erich Grotewold, Addie Thompson, Peter K Lundquist. (2023) Multiscale physiological responses to nitrogen supplementation of maize hybrids. Plant Physiology. 2023: 00: 1–21. PMID: 37925649

Erika L Ellison, Peng Zhou, Peter Hermanson, Yi-Hsuan Chu, Andrew Read, Candice N Hirsch, Erich Grotewold, Nathan M Springer. (2023) Mutator transposon insertions within maize genes often provide a novel outward reading promoter. Genetics. 2023 Oct 10. PMID: 37815810

Hadi Nayebi Gavgani, Erich Grotewold, John Gray. (2023) Methodology for Constructing a Knowledgebase for Plant Gene Regulation Information. Methods Mol Biol. 2023:2698. PMID: 37682481

Cintia Lucía Arias, Leidy Tatiana García Navarrete, Eric Mukundi, Tyler Swanson, Fan Yang, Jonathan Hernandez, Erich Grotewold, Ana Paula Alonso. (2023) Metabolic and transcriptomic study of pennycress natural variation identifies targets for oil improvement. Plant Biotechnol J. 2023 Sep. PMID: 37335591

Ying Li, Erich Grotewold, Natalia Dudareva. (2023) Enough is enough: feedback control of specialized metabolism. Trends Plant Sci. 2023 Aug 23. PMID: 37625949

Yun Sun Lee, Shin-Han Shiu, Erich Grotewold. (2023) Evolution and diversification of the ACT-like domain associated with plant basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 120(19):e2219469120. PMID: 37126718

Johnston C, García Navarrete LT, Ortiz E, Romsdahl TB, Guzha A, Chapman KD, Grotewold E, Alonso AP. (2022) Effective Mechanisms for Improving Seed Oil Production in Pennycress ( Thlaspi arvense L.) Highlighted by Integration of Comparative Metabolomics and Transcriptomics. Front Plant Sci. 13:943585. PMID: 35909773

García Navarrete T, Arias C, Mukundi E, Alonso AP, Grotewold E. (2022) Natural variation and improved genome annotation of the emerging biofuel crop field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense). G3 (Bethesda). 12: jkac084. PMID: 35416986

Rodriguez J, Gomez-Cano L, Grotewold E, de Leon N. (2022) Normalizing and Correcting Variable and Complex LC-MS Metabolomic Data with the R Package pseudoDrift. Metabolites. 12: 435. PMID: 35629939

Gomez-Cano F, Chu YH, Cruz-Gomez M, Abdullah HM, Lee YS, Schnell DJ, Grotewold E. (2022) Exploring Camelina sativa lipid metabolism regulation by combining gene co-expression and DNA affinity purification analyses. Plant J. 110(2):589-606. PMID: 35064997

Ding X, Zhang X, Paez-Valencia J, McLoughlin F, Reyes FC, Morohashi K, Grotewold E, Vierstra RD, Otegui MS. (2022) Microautophagy Mediates Vacuolar Delivery of Storage Proteins in Maize Aleurone Cells. Front Plant Sci. 13:833612. PMID: 35251104

Moore BM, Lee YS, Wang P, Azodi C, Grotewold E, Shiu SH. (2022) Modeling temporal and hormonal regulation of plant transcriptional response to wounding. Plant Cell. 34(2):867-888. PMID: 34865154

Zhou P, Enders TA, Myers ZA, Magnusson E, Crisp PA, Noshay JM, Gomez-Cano F, Liang Z, Grotewold E, Greenham K, Springer NM. (2022) Prediction of conserved and variable heat and cold stress response in maize using cis-regulatory information. Plant Cell. 34(1):514-534. PMID: 34735005

Lee YS, Herrera-Tequia A, Silwal J, Geiger JH, Grotewold E. (2021) A hydrophobic residue stabilizes dimers of regulatory ACT-like domains in plant basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors. J Biol Chem. 296:100708. PMID: 33901489

Jiang N, Dillon FM, Silva A, Gomez-Cano L, Grotewold E. (2021) Corrigendum to "Rhamnose in plants - from biosynthesis to diverse functions". Plant Sci.. 307:110897. PMID: 33902856

Schmitz RJ, Grotewold E, Stam M. (2021) Cis-regulatory sequences in plants: Their importance, discovery, and future challenges. Plant Cell. 34(2):718-741. PMID: 34918159

Zhou P, Li Z, Magnusson E, Gomez Cano F, Crisp PA, et al.. (2020) Meta gene regulatory networks in maize highlight functionally rrelevant regulatory interactions. Plant Cell. 32: 1377-1396. PMID: 32184350

Yuan L, Grotewold E. (2020) Plant specialized metabolism. Plant Sci. 298:110579. PMID: 32771140

Jiang N, Gutierrez-Diaz A, Mukundi E, Lee YS, Meyers BC, et al. (2020) Synergy between the anthocyanin and RDR6/SGS3/DCL4 siRNA pathways expose hidden features of Arabidopsis carbon metabolism. Nat Commun. 11: 2456. PMID: 32415123

Jiang N, Dillon FM, Silva A, Gomez-Cano L, Grotewold E. (2020) Rhamnose in plants - from biosynthesis to diverse functions. Plant Sci. 302:110687. PMID: 33288005

Jiang N, Lee YS, Mukundi E, Gomez-Cano F, Rivero L, et al. (2020) Diversity of genetic lesions characterizes new Arabidopsis flavonoid pigment mutant alleles from T-DNA collections. Plant Sci. 291: 110335. PMID: 31928687

Jiang N, Gutierrez-Diaz A, Mukundi E, Lee YS, Meyers BC, Otegui MS, Grotewold E. (2020) Author Correction: Synergy between the anthocyanin and RDR6/SGS3/DCL4 siRNA pathways expose hidden features of Arabidopsis carbon metabolism. Nat Commun. 11(1):5276. PMID: 33057182

Gomez-Cano L, Gomez-Cano F, Dillon FM, Alers-Velazquez R, Doseff AI, et al. (2020) Discovery of modules involved in the biosynthesis and regulation of maize phenolic compounds. Plant Sci. 291: 110364. PMID: 31928683

Gomez-Cano F, Carey L, Lucas K, García Navarrete T, Mukundi E, Lundback S, Schnell D, Grotewold E. (2020) CamRegBase: a gene regulation database for the biofuel crop, Camelina sativa. Database (Oxford). 2020:baaa075. PMID: 33306801

Springer N, de Leon N, Grotewold E. (2019) Challenges of translating gene regulatory information into agronomic improvements. Trends Plant Sci. 24: 1075-1082. PMID: 31377174

Silva GFF, Silva EM, Correa JPO, Vicente MH, Jiang N, et al. (2019) Tomato floral induction and flower development are orchestrated by the interplay between gibberellin and two unrelated microRNA-controlled modules. New Phytol. 221: 1328-1344. PMID: 30238569

Righini S, Rodriguez EJ, Berosich C, Grotewold E, Casati P, et al. (2019) Apigenin produced by maize flavone synthase I and II protects plants against UV-B-induced damage. Plant Cell Environ. 42: 495-508. PMID: 30160312

Milutinovic M, Lindsey BE, 3rd, Wijeratne A, Hernandez JM, Grotewold N, et al. (2019) Arabidopsis EMSY-like (EML) histone readers are necessary for post-fertilization seed development, but prevent fertilization-independent seed formation. Plant Sci. 285: 99-109. PMID: 31203898

Jones MA, Morohashi K, Grotewold E, Harmer SL. (2019) Arabidopsis JMJD5/JMJ30 acts independently of LUX ARRHYTHMO within the plant circadian clock to enable temperature compensation. Front Plant Sci. 10: 57. PMID: 30774641

Cocuron JC, Casas MI, Yang F, Grotewold E, Alonso AP. (2019) Beyond the wall: High-throughput quantification of plant soluble and cell-wall bound phenolics by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A. 1589: 93-104. PMID: 30626504

Ouma WZ, Pogacar K, Grotewold E. (2018) Topological and statistical analyses of gene regulatory networks reveal unifying yet quantitatively different emergent properties. PLoS Comput Biol. 14: e1006098. PMID: 29708965

Mejia-Guerra MK, Li W, Doseff AI, Grotewold E. (2018) Genome-wide TSS identification in maize. Methods Mol Biol. 1830: 239-256. PMID: 30043374

Kovinich N, Wang Y, Adegboye J, Chanoca AA, Otegui MS, et al. (2018) Arabidopsis MATE45 antagonizes local abscisic acid signaling to mediate development and abiotic stress responses. Plant Direct. 2: e00087. PMID: 31245687

Chanoca A, Burkel B, Grotewold E, Eliceiri KW, Otegui MS. (2018) Imaging vacuolar anthocyanins with fluorescence lifetime microscopy. Methods Mol Biol. 1789: 131-141. PMID: 29916076

Yang F, Li W, Jiang N, Yu H, Morohashi K, et al. (2017) A maize gene regulatory network for phenolic metabolism. Mol Plant. 10: 498-515. PMID: 27871810

Mukundi E, Gomez-Cano F, Ouma WZ, Grotewold E. (2017) Design of knowledge bases for plant gene regulatory networks. Methods Mol Biol. 1629: 207-223. PMID: 28623588

McCluskey K, Boundy-Mills K, Dye G, Ehmke E, Gunnell GF, et al. (2017) The challenges faced by living stock collections in the USA. Elife. 6. PMID: 28266913

Lindsey BE, 3rd, Rivero L, Calhoun CS, Grotewold E, Brkljacic J. (2017) Standardized method for high-throughput sterilization of Arabidopsis seeds. J Vis Exp. . PMID: 29155739

Iwase A, Harashima H, Ikeuchi M, Rymen B, Ohnuma M, et al. (2017) WIND1 promotes shoot regeneration through transcriptional activation of ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 29: 54-69. PMID: 28011694

Grotewold E, Springer NM. (2017) News from the plant world: Listening to transcription. Biochim Biophys Acta Gene Regul Mech. 1860: 1-2. PMID: 27866003

Friesner J, Assmann SM, Bastow R, Bailey-Serres J, Beynon J, et al. (2017) The next generation of training for Arabidopsis researchers: Bioinformatics and quantitative biology. Plant Physiol. 175: 1499-1509. PMID: 29208732

Francis D, Finer JJ, Grotewold E. (2017) Challenges and opportunities for improving food quality and nutrition through plant biotechnology. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 44: 124-129. PMID: 28088010

Feller A, Yuan L, Grotewold E. (2017) The BIF domain in plant bHLH proteins is an ACT-like domain. Plant Cell. 29: 1800-1802. PMID: 28747421

Casas MI, Vaughan MJ, Bonello P, McSpadden Gardener B, Grotewold E, et al. (2017) Identification of biochemical features of defective Coffea arabica L. beans. Food Res Int. 95: 59-67. PMID: 28395826

Brkljacic J, Grotewold E. (2017) Combinatorial control of plant gene expression. Biochim Biophys Acta Gene Regul Mech. 1860: 31-40. PMID: 27427484

Yang F, Ouma WZ, Li W, Doseff AI, Grotewold E. (2016) Establishing the architecture of plant gene regulatory networks. Methods Enzymol. 576: 251-304. PMID: 27480690

Provart NJ, Alonso J, Assmann SM, Bergmann D, Brady SM, et al. (2016) 50 years of Arabidopsis research: highlights and future directions. New Phytol. 209: 921-944. PMID: 26465351

Jiang N, Doseff AI, Grotewold E. (2016) Flavones: From biosynthesis to health benefits. Plants (Basel). 5. PMID: 27338492

Grotewold E. (2016) Flavonols drive plant microevolution. Nat Genet. 48: 112-113. PMID: 26813762

Chanoca A, Burkel B, Kovinich N, Grotewold E, Eliceiri KW, et al. (2016) Using fluorescence lifetime microscopy to study the subcellular localization of anthocyanins. Plant J. 88: 895-903. PMID: 27500780

Casas MI, Falcone-Ferreyra ML, Jiang N, Mejia-Guerra MK, Rodriguez E, et al. (2016) Identification and characterization of maize salmon silks genes Involved in insecticidal maysin biosynthesis. Plant Cell. 28: 1297-1309. PMID: 27221383

Cardenas H, Arango D, Nicholas C, Duarte S, Nuovo GJ, et al. (2016) Dietary apigenin exerts immune-regulatory activity in vivo by reducing NF-kappaB activity, halting leukocyte infiltration and restoring normal metabolic function. Int J Mol Sci. 17: 323. PMID: 26938530

Agarwal T, Grotewold E, Doseff AI, Gray J. (2016) MYB31/MYB42 syntelogs exhibit divergent regulation of phenylpropanoid genes in maize, sorghum and rice. Sci Rep. 6: 28502. PMID: 27328708

Yuan L, Grotewold E. (2015) Metabolic engineering to enhance the value of plants as green factories.. Metab Eng. 27: 83-91. PMID: 25461830

Wang HZ, Yang KZ, Zou JJ, Zhu LL, Xie ZD, et al. (2015) Transcriptional regulation of PIN genes by FOUR LIPS and MYB88 during Arabidopsis root gravitropism. Nat Commun. 6: 8822. PMID: 26578169

Velez-Bermudez IC, Salazar-Henao JE, Fornale S, Lopez-Vidriero I, Franco-Zorrilla JM, et al. (2015) A MYB/ZML complex regulates wound-induced lignin genes in maize. Plant Cell. 27: 3245-3259. PMID: 26566917

Ouma WZ, Mejia-Guerra MK, Yilmaz A, Pareja-Tobes P, Li W, et al. (2015) Important biological information uncovered in previously unaligned reads from chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments (ChIP-Seq). Sci Rep. 5: 8635. PMID: 25727450

Mejia-Guerra MK, Li W, Galeano NF, Vidal M, Gray J, et al. (2015) Core promoter plasticity between maize tissues and genotypes contrasts with predominance of sharp transcription initiation sites. Plant Cell. 27: 3309-3320. PMID: 26628745

Kovinich N, Kayanja G, Chanoca A, Otegui MS, Grotewold E. (2015) Abiotic stresses induce different localizations of anthocyanins in Arabidopsis. Plant Signal Behav. 10: e1027850. PMID: 26179363

Falcone Ferreyra ML, Emiliani J, Rodriguez EJ, Campos-Bermudez VA, Grotewold E, et al. (2015) The identification of maize and Arabidopsis type I FLAVONE SYNTHASEs links flavones with hormones and biotic interactions. Plant Physiol. 169: 1090-1107. PMID: 26269546

Chen Q, Liu Y, Maere S, Lee E, Van Isterdael G, et al. (2015) A coherent transcriptional feed-forward motif model for mediating auxin-sensitive PIN3 expression during lateral root development. Nat Commun. 6: 8821. PMID: 26578065

Chanoca A, Kovinich N, Burkel B, Stecha S, Bohorquez-Restrepo A, et al. (2015) Anthocyanin vacuolar inclusions form by a microautophagy mechanism. Plant Cell. 27: 2545-2559. PMID: 26342015